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Decryption of the VIN code.
The law on the format of the Vehicle's VIN code was adopted in 1977 by the International Organization for Standardization ISO and contained recommendations on labeling, encoding content, and the level of protection of a unique number. Thanks to the law, today we have the opportunity to quickly decrypt the VIN, learn the necessary data about the car and protect ourselves from buying stolen cars with "broken" license plates.
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A VIN number is a combination of digits (0-9) and uppercase letters of the Latin alphabet (I, Q and O), which can be conditionally divided into three parts:
The first three characters WМI (World Manufacturers Identification) is a unique global index (description) of the manufacturer of the car, indicating the geographical area of the country and the name of the manufacturer issuing the car.
Important: if the manufacturer produces less than 500 copies per year, 3 symbol - 9.
6 characters VDS (Vehicle Description Section) – information on vehicle fitment. Signs 4 to 8 specify the type of body and engine, the series and model of the car. The ninth character is a check digit by which you can check the correctness of the entire VIN number.
The last 8 characters of the VIS (Vehicle Identification Section) are additional data about the vehicle (model year, manufacturer, serial number of the vehicle itself).
Sometimes the numbers and letters of the VIN numbers and body numbers of imported cars differ, which causes difficulties in deciphering the configuration. This is due to the fact that the car was made abroad, and the VIN code is Russian. Such discrepancies can be quickly clarified at the manufacturer's dealerships.