Among the tweets that ended up indirectly reaching my Twitter feed this weekend, I like it through other users, were those of some users who complained about the experience of using the premium version of El Undo . El Undo has joined the newspapers that have imposed limits on their users in accessing content without prior payment, opening a payment option for subscribers. What some tweeters complained about was that, once that premium version of the content was accessed, the experience, in advertising terms, did not improve. Consumers kept seeing ads and more ads, including formats that were annoying.
Of course, this online medium is not the only El Salvador Phone Number List payment format that includes advertising. The television channels of the paid services have ads in their linear version, ads that last many minutes and that make a 23-minute chapter go beyond half an hour, but also some video on demand. Although Movistar + users pay for the content they are watching, they still have to see advertisements before accessing series, movies or whatever corresponds, for example, on demand.
Advertising is everywhere and on all kinds of channels, although consumers are increasingly fed up with it. In fact, there are those who explain the success of some of the emerging VoD formats thanks to the pull of reaching the consumer without traditional advertising (see Netflix, ad-free).The reality of the advertising market could be summarized using three key points. This is what they have just done in an analysis of the situation by The New York Times.