And it is that with more than 500 million users, it is estimated that a high percentage of them belongs to this new coveted generation. According to estimates provided by Marketing News, 20 percent of the users of the c level email list social network are between 13 and 18 years old and are considered heavy users. This platform, which has been characterized by its peculiar 15-second videos, has become a space of special interest for brands, because although an important part of its users are young , there is a high purchase intention. According to the aforementioned source, user spending on purchases within the same application increased 275 percent between October 2017 and October 2018.
The phenomenon of this Chinese social network grew significantly during the quarantine and now a study indicates that it has surpassed Instagram at least in the race to conquer Generation Z. There is no Instagram for young generations. The c level email list Qustodio platform has carried out the study Apps and digital natives: the new normal , in which it analyzes the online habits of audiences between 4 and 15 years old. Among the conclusions of this document is that until February in the top 3 of the social networks most used by this group were Instagram (with a participation of 48 percent), TikTok (with 38 percent) and Snapchat (24 percent). hundred).
However, in the midst of confinement TikTok managed to position itself above the social network of filters in terms of participation. This advance not only translates into the number of users of that segment who use the social network, but also the c level email list time spent on the aforementioned service. TikTok is increasingly a direct competitor to YouTube. In fact, during confinement, minors spent 75 minutes a day on YouTube and 71 on TikTok. On average, it is estimated that users who belong to Generation Z spend an average of 82 minutes a day on TikTok. Influencer marketing, from Instagram to TikTok? These figures become more relevant if we consider the figures that revolve around influencer marketing and TikTok, especially in the younger generations.