As email becomes omnichannel, we're all working with more people than ever, internally and externally. Things can get confusing and work can get lost in reshuffling. But building a messaging team doesn't have to be painful. By being more thoughtful, rethinking the process, and revisiting the tools, we can all help evolve our messaging teams (and our careers in the process). Learn what it takes to scale an email program and prepare your team for your next stage of growth. How Playing Dungeons & Dragons Creates Better Email Teams Jonathan Pay, Holistic Email City:
London Each team member has strengths and weaknesses. The key to a truly effective team is to understand them and establish a team dynamic that takes advantage of both. In this session, Jonathan Pay from Holistic Email combines two of his passions (D&D and email) to show you how a classic role-playing game can be used as a tool to examine Image Masking Service teamwork and build a group that finally comes together to work. towards the same goals. Using emotional intelligence to achieve email marketing Zen Kait Creamer, Scaled Agile Cities: London, Boston, San Francisco Email geeks work hard to be the experts in our field, so it can be hard to feel torn between serving internal leadership and what subscribers want. But with more emotional intelligence, we can effectively serve both, streamline our own workflows, and feel really good about ourselves along the way.
In this session, Kait Creamer discusses tactics like listening to understand, giving before you get, and using data to support or challenge a perspective. You'll come away with new skills and ideas to put your EQ to work for team members, stakeholders, and subscribers. Using Google to Build an Email Content Management System Genna Matson, DEG Digital City: Boston Managing all the content and data sources a team needs can be daunting. But many marketers already have access to tools that can help them leverage this content and data in their emails. Learn how DEG Digital's Genna Matson uses Google to create an organized and maintainable CMS for email marketers, keeping teams healthy and in sync in the process. Monitoring and improving campaign performance Every email comes down to one thing: performance. Even the most beautifully designed and tested campaign means little if it doesn't do what you want it to do. Fortunately, email marketers have more tools and resources than ever to track, analyze, and improve the performance of their campaigns. Learn how top brands track campaign performance and leverage tools, techniques, and insights to take their business to the next level.