Plasmolifting PRP Tubes
Plasmolifting is a procedure during which platelet-rich plasma of a patient is injected into the skin. The drug is manufactured immediately before administration using a special apparatus-a centrifuge.
Plasmolifting PRP Tubes
The biological "drug", getting into the skin, triggers many useful processes:
improves immune protection,
activates the synthesis of collagen - a protein that provides a dense frame of the face,
stimulates metabolism,
adjusts capillary blood flow,
improves regenerative functions of the skin and starts the production of biological substances.
This improves the appearance of the skin and rejuvenates the face and decollete area.
How plasma works.
The first thing plasma does with platelets trapped under the skin is to trigger active regeneration processes, that is, recovery. As well as the synthesis of substances necessary for beauty and youth, or rather proteins - elastane and collagen. Therefore, a few days after the first procedure, the skin begins to change its appearance, and the results of a full course of plasmolifting are impressive! The most important thing is that changes occur not only outside, but also inside, which allows you to preserve the acquired effect for a long time - up to six months.