One of the first crafts you’ll be asked to create is a piece of lumber. Lumber is generally made by gathering a certain amount of logs (the aforementioned Botanist synergy) than just smashing those logs into lumber. While the higher level or newer lumber may tempt you to focus only on those, check your world’s market board to see what is actually in need. Lots of lower-level lumber is in high demand as crafts, even very high-level ones, may require lumber from a previous patch or expansion. Target places with low competition and craft up a few stacks.
To really optimize your lumber supply chain, check the recipes that require the lumber you are making and put up stacks equalling the amount needed per craft. For example, the Aesthete’s Raising Hammer requires two Merbau Lumber so putting up a few stacks of two will entice Armorers looking to build one to buy yours over everyone else’s. Crafters will often see stacks of 99 for cheaper but pick a stack of three to five pieces at a higher price if they are planning to craft just one or two items. Just like you, they are looking to turn a profit and don’t want to spend more than they have to.
Speaking of profit, the last thing to consider when going into the lumber game is to perform cost calculations of logs versus lumber. If you see a lot of logs up and they are going for more than the lumber you have to put work in for, sell the raw logs instead. However, most of the time the logs will go for less so judge if buying enough to make lumber would net profit and buy them out. The goal with Carpenter is to always work smarter and not harder.ff14 gil
Selling furniture should by no means be considered your primary source of income as a carpenter. This is a nice additional income as your customer base for furniture is a lot smaller than your lumber customer base. Out of all the crafters though, Carpenter may have the most interesting furniture crafts in the game. While it would be easy to just build everything, think through the below items which a lot of connoisseurs will be looking out for when designing their houses.
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