Except, of course, that there is: Fujiwara's O.G. status in the refinedly contemporary menswear arena - okay, then, streetwear - has attracted no end of collaborators www.monclersoutlets.com keen to intersect with his intellect and enjoy a shard of that fragmented Fragment Frgmt flex.
The ground floor features a hallmark technique, known as Risseu, in which stones worn smooth by seawater or flowing rivers, are laid in a geometric pattern. A technique widely used in the grottoes of Lombardy's lakeside villas during the Mannerist and high Baroque periods.
The word "uniform" has some boring connotations - until used in reference to the creative eyes of Hideaki Yoshihara and Yukiko Ode. Both have a knack for product innovation and a shared fluency in hype, and at the unveiling they explored just how far the horizon of tech - y sportswear extends.
Our voices are unique. They are the inimitable representations of what is true to each of us, and our purest form of self - expression. When we started the collection, everything we were thinking about was linked to nature. We wanted all of the graphics and all of the symbolism linked back to nature in some way.
The atmosphere on the second floor where the men's collection is housed, is, on the other hand, entirely masculine: a space with depth and intimacy, created by alternating areas of shadow and light. Black is the common Moncler Sale denominator, evoking the mysterious metropolitan charisma of Milan.
The idea of New York City sprinkled in a layer of snow is really special. Everything covered, the trees, cars. If this room wasn't startling enough, the second one blew you - and the clothes - away. Here the 10 models stood on metal grills below which powerful jets of air blew periodically upwards, blowing what resembled nylon Chinese lanterns into the air and keeping the garments unfurled like a sail in a full wind.