Yes, the reason you buy a Forza Horizon is to go on the road. The thing is, with the multitude of activities available and the sheer size of the map in this fifth episode, some trips can be dispensed with. The good news is that it is entirely possible. However, expect to get your hands dirty. As well as the wallet.
Whilst it can be incredibly fun to traverse the litany of different areas of terrain in Mexico, you may get to a point where you want to get to certain areas of the map instantly.
You'll start off with fairly limited Fast Travel options, with a hefty cost associated with each journey. By exploring the map and purchasing a particular property however, things get a lot easier. Here's how Fast Travel works.
Unlock Fast Travel
The first step if you want to take advantage of this handy feature is to unlock the Horizon Street Scene festival. This isn't available early in the story, but you'll - if you haven't already - get it on hand soon enough. You can go there right away, so you can pick up new activities as well as the possibility of buying a new property. The one located at the western tip of the map.
Buenas Vistas is available in the Baja region and will cost you 2 million credits. Whilst this is a LOT of coinage to splash out in the game, it will mean that you’ll be able to fast travel anywhere in Mexico in Forza Horizon 5.
Free Fast Travel
There are two main ways to Fast Travel for free in Forza Horizon 5. They are as follows:
Smash Fast Travel Boards - There are 50 marked all over the map. Get them all to reduce your Fast Travel costs down to zero
Go to Home - After purchasing a property you will get the option to make it your main home. Once you've done so, head into the Main Menu. Select 'Go to Home' to Fast Travel there for free
Now you have everything you need to know so you don't have to cross Mexico in order to start a race. Amass 2 million credits, treat yourself to the house of your dreams, then smash all the signs in your path and you will be able to take advantage of the reduced loading times of your next-gen consoles. The good life.
Forza Horizon 5 Credits are the in-game currency which can be used to buy and unlock cars in game, now you're able to buy cheap FH5 credits on, full stock on all platforms - Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S and Microsoft Windows.