Bloomberg reported on Monday that Tinder will soon be testing in-app “coins” that users can accrue by maintaining an active dating profile or be purchased with actual money. Said coins can be spent on Boosts, which allow users to promote their profiles, or Super Likes, which allow users to send a notification to a potential match informing them they are particularly horny. Bloomberg didn’t mention what the coins will actually be called, but that Tinder plans to roll out the feature in Australia next month and globally at a later date.
Tinder runs on the freemium model, in which users have free access to the app outside of certain restrictions (such as limits on the number of swipes that can be performed in a 12-hour period) and can pay for a subscription to remove those barriers and gain access to other features. For example, Tinder has various tiers including Tinder Plus, Tinder Gold, and Tinder Platinum, the last of which runs up to $40 a coins for mmo new world
As we’ve noted in the past, Bethesda has been keen to preserve ‘official’ character progression while making the choice to play in a custom or public world as seamless as possible. The solution the studio has settled on makes it so that you’ll be able to create a ‘clone’ of your normal Adventure Mode character at any point, then take that clone into another world, where any progression made will be specific to that server. You can have up to five Fallout Worlds characters at a given time.
Today’s update also marks the official end of Fallout 76’s Nuclear Winter game mode. Players who have completed any Nuclear Winter matches will get a Nuclear Winter pennant, as well as a sum of perk coins that scales with the amount of progress they’ve made in the battle royale game mode. It works out to six perk coins per Nuclear Winter perk card, and one coin per Overseer Ticket earned.
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